Sunday, August 12, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 119-124 - Four Months, 6 Pounds

  Eagan is four months old as of August 11 and six whole pounds! He is doing wonderful. He did need some extra blood, so he had two transfusions. That required an IV in his head. He was not a fan. We are still dealing with episodes caused by reflux where his heart rate and oxygen drops. The doctors tried to increase his feeds to 8 cc per hour through the feeding tube but that was just too much for his digestive tract. Apparently, Eagan's magic number is 7 cc per hour until he gets reconnected. He also has a new swing that my family brought to the hospital for him. He really likes it.
On the home front, we have dealt with a few medical issues. Little Evelyn woke up Friday morning and her hand was swollen and purplish. After a pediatrician visit, it was determined she had an allergic reaction, but we don't know the source. Her hand looks much better after starting her prescription. 
6 lb 2.7 oz

Eagan is breathing all by himself!!

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a broviac sub-clavian line on the left side as of Day 103.

Zantac was added for his reflux.

He was started on Ampicillin every 6 hours and Gentamicin every 12 hours for sepsis.

Caffeine has been started to help him remember to breath.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.


Feeds are at 7 cc an hour continuously.  He is getting TPN and lipids. He also gets two bottles of 5 cc twice a day.

August 10 - Transfusion #36

August 9 - Transfusion #35

Upcoming Tests
Eagan will have another eye exam Monday.


Unknown said...

Wow, unbelievable! I hope he continues to thrive. Great job mama, hang in there

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