Monday, August 20, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 125-132 - 7 pounds!

Things have been pretty boring in Eagan's world. Boring is really good! Surgery is scheduled for August 29. I am so very ready to have his intestines all in one piece and start getting him ready to go home!! During surgery they will also fix the many gigantic hernias that have appeared around his ostomy sites and incision. He had to be put on oxygen for about 24 hours but is off it again. Overall, we are just hanging out and waiting to get things going! We are also working on his goofy shaped head by adjusting his position often so hopefully he won't need a helmet. His eye exams show no change, not better, but not worse.
7 lb 5 oz

Eagan is breathing all by himself!!

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a broviac sub-clavian line on the left side as of Day 103.

Zantac was added for his reflux.

He was started on Ampicillin every 6 hours and Gentamicin every 12 hours for sepsis.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.


Feeds are at 7 cc an hour continuously.  He is getting TPN and lipids. He also gets two bottles of 5 cc twice a day.

August 10 - Transfusion #36

August 9 - Transfusion #35

Upcoming Tests
Eagan will have another eye exam Monday.


Unknown said...

What wonderful news! U said it, no news is good news. I pray surgery is super positive and everything is done well!

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