Friday, January 20, 2012

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry -Robert Burns

I went into my perinatologist appointment with a written list of questions for my doctor and an idea of what I wanted to take place to make it from day to day. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans.
Good news first:
I had an ultrasound of the baby. I already had an idea of the gender. The tech at my OB's office was 85% sure. The machines at the perinatologist's office are better quality so just for fun, I asked her to check the gender of the baby. This pregnancy has been so difficult, emotionally and physically that I try to find little glimmers of hope to become excited about. The baby was very active throughout the ultrasound which is always neat to observe.
And drumroll please....
I are beyond excited to have 2 boys and one little princess to dress up.
The not so good news:
The perinatologist is not happy with my weight and considers me to be malnourished. He admitted me to the hospital and I will he here for 3 days. My veins are so damaged from having IVs blow that a PICC line had to be placed. The placement of the PICC line was a bit painful and now my arm is pretty sore after the lidocaine wore off. This line will make life a lot easier on a daily basis because a nurse won't have to be scheduled to come out to my apartment every day. It is really hard to wrangle two toddlers while getting an IV put in. I am now getting nutrients and a few medications through my PICC line.
This is definitely tough. I am having to choose between my children- the one that hasn't been born yet and the two that already need me. Watching them walk out of the hospital room to go home with GiGi made me cry. I miss them already but in three or so days when I get discharged, I should be able to be a better mommy.


Cindy said...

The fact that you need IV's to keep yourself healthy does not mean you are not a good mommy! Your kids are safe and well cared for by GiGi - you focus on keeping yourself healthy for you and your kids and know that you are a GREAT Mommy.

Marci said...

Not fun! Hopefully the PICC line works, and you can get back to your normal self again soon!

Congrats on the boy!

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