Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The circus has come to town..

The Ringmaster
That would be me, Sarah, but mostly known as Mommy or Mama depending on which kid you ask. I keep the show moving. I keep the cast (human and animal) fed, clean, dressed and rested. Every now and then I get to take care of myself too.

The Clown

Eli keeps everyone on their toes with a smile on their faces.

The Mime

Evelyn is a professional mime. She is currently mute, by choice. Occasionally she says no, if the elaborate foot stomping didn't get the point across.

Coming Soon!
The newest member of our cast has a debut performance on July 24, 2012 but our cast is always so excited to join in on the fun that they always show up early!

And the animals..


A West Highland White Terrier full of spunk, sass and attitude!


A Pointer mix rescued from very sad circumstances. She now gets to have fun every day!


A Lutino Cockatiel with an excellent singing voice and a slight personality disorder. He thinks he is a security system.


A Pearl Cockatiel with quite the little attitude but enough love and affection to make up for it.


Marci said...

Can't wait to hear more! :)

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