Sunday, May 6, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 26 - Back on the Ventilator

Eagan's stomach became much more distended overnight. The low intermittent suction tube was not functioning as well as it needed to. He began having a large increase in bradycardias caused from long pauses in breathing. His blood gases were not looking good at all. His carbon dioxide levels were very elevated. Due to the number of episodes and the blood gases, the decision was made to put him back of the conventional ventilator. He has also had multiple X-rays and there are some concerns about what is going on with his intestines. Part of his intestines are dilated so a contrast study may be ordered in the morning. His feedings are still discontinued until some of these issues are resolved. Little Eagan need lots of prayers over the next few days.

Here is a run-down of his current status:

2 lb 9 oz - Eagan is still battling heavy fluid retention and stomach distention.

14" - Our first updated length!
Eagan is now on the conventional ventilator.

Eagan had several apnea episodes and bradycardias today.
Vein Access
Eagan now has a PICC line in his arm. His arm has to be kept on an arm board now because he is bending it too tightly and it is cutting off the flow of his medications.
Vancomycin is being given for a few more days.

Amphotericin will be given for about a week or so.

His thyroid blood test came back low. He is on Sythroid for low thyroid.

Caffeine has been added to his medications. Caffeine has multiple benefits for Eagan such as reducing his risk for cerebral palsy. The main purpose of the caffeine is to help Eagan to remember to breathe, preventing spells of apnea. He gets caffeine once a day. 

He will be getting a glycerin suppository every 12 hours depending on how often he is having bowel movements. It seems odd to be so excited about dirty diapers, but he is peeing and pooping great which means his body is functioning well!

Eagan's feedings are discontinued until the stomach distention is lower.

Eagan is still getting vitamins and lipids (a healthy fat).

Transfusion #10 was given today because his hematocrit was low.
May 3 - Transfusion #9
April 27 - Transfusion #8

April 23 - Transfusion #7

April 22 - Transfusion #6

April 20 - Transfusion #5

April 19 - Transfusion #3 and Transfusion #4 of plasma

April 18 - Transfusion #2

April 15 - Eagan got his first blood transfusion tonight. This will be the first of many transfusions Eagan will need. His hematocrit (the amount of red blood cells in the blood) has been low, which is just one of the many reasons he needs a transfusion. His blood is also drawn for tests quite often. Even a tiny amount of blood is a lot of blood coming from such a tiny baby. The transfusion will also help Eagan maintain proper oxygenation. 

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers.


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