Friday, May 18, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 38 - Fourth Surgery

Last night at 2:58 a.m., I got a phone call from the NICU. I was actually asleep, which doesn't happen very often these days. That is never a very good sign. I am aware of this, so his nurse had to check over the phone a few times to make sure I was still remembering to breathe. Truth be told, I wasn't. Fortunately, Eagan was okay, but that is a number you just don't want to see on your caller ID in the middle of the night. Turns out, Eagan's central line was no longer in the proper position. It is extremely rare for these to come out of place. All of his poor little veins have been used so much, even after many attempts, they couldn't get a PICC line in place. So, Eagan had his fourth surgery today to place a new central line. Poor little man just can't go too long without getting lonely and inviting all the surgeons and anesthesiologists to his room. The surgery took almost two hours. This is a really long time to wait in the waiting room, not so patiently. 

While in the waiting room, you witness a lot of really strange things. First, a set of parents were watching TV. Their show of choice was Jerry Springer and their volume preference was full-blast. This waiting room is ICU family only. Obviously, we do not have enough stressed family members in this waiting room, that we need to watch other people's lives crumble on television. Also, shoes are apparently optional in the hospital. Just socks or bedroom slippers are fine, even when in a patient's room or the cafeteria. I won't even go into how disgusting that is. If you are a guy, wearing your shirt at your armpits and rubbing your stomach obsessively is totally acceptable. The phone in the waiting room is also a great place to make personal phone calls to vent to your friends about your child's medical care. This is a little frightening for other parents who might not know how awesome the professionals at Egleston really are. Just some interesting observations while waiting on Eagan to get out of surgery. For most of this time, I felt like an uninvited person in someone's living room. The ICU waiting room is a strange, strange place. 

Eagan got some amazing gifts from his July WTE moms! In the top picture are his personalized burp cloths and blanket. In the bottom picture has two adorable hats, four small NICU outfits, four larger NICU outfits, and four blankets. These are Eagan's very first tiny outfits and I can't wait to dress him in them! I just don't know how to chose which one! Thank you ladies so much and especially Crystal for coordinating everything! You guys are amazing!
Here is a run-down of his current status:

Eagan was not weighed today or last night.

14" at last measurement
Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings were at 33 breaths per minute this morning, but by this evening it was 26 breaths per minute. His oxygen rate was between 21% and 30%.
Eagan's blood pressure was better today and he only had a few bradycardia episodes.
Vein and Artery Access
The arterial line is in his head.
Eagan has an IV in his head and right arm
A new CVL, central venous line, was placed during surgery today on the left side.

Sodium bicarbonate is being given for acidic ph levels.

Calcium gluconate is being given since his levels were low in his blood work.

Hydrocortisone has been started to help with blood pressure and stress response.
His Dopamine is down from 8 micrograms to 7 micrograms.
Eagan is on Vancomycin and Meropenum - both antibiotics, and Synthroid for low thyroid levels.

He is finally done with the Amphotericin!
Eagan's only sources of nutrition right now are his TPN fluids and lipids.
Eagan has a foley catheter in place. His urine output was not as good today.

May 17 - Transfusion #20

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers.


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