Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 49

Eagan has had a pretty calm day. These are the best kind.
Here is a run-down of his current status:

4lbs 6.9oz

Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings were at 38 breaths per minute this morning and are now down to 36.  His oxygen rate has been around 23%. The pressure that the ventilator puts in his lungs is at 24. Also, he still has a large amount of fluid in his lungs so he is getting Atrovent breathing treatments every six hours.

Eagan's blood pressure was great today!

Vein and Artery Access
Eagan has an internal jugular line that was placed in surgery.

The arterial line is in his head.

An antibiotic, Ancef, was started today.

Hydrocortisone, for blood pressure and stress response, is up to 3 mg.
His Morphine was previously given every two hours but now his is on the same dose, but as a constant drip.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

Lasix, a diuretic, was given after the blood transfusion.

Eagan is back on the Dopamine at 3 micrograms to speed up his kidney function.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

Eagan also is back on the Synthroid for low thyroid. 

Eagan's only sources of nutrition right now are his TPN fluids.

His lipids have been stopped for now.


Eagan's foley catheter was removed today! He is not just peeing into his diaper! He also has an ostomy bag now on his stoma. He pooped from his stoma twice today!

Eagan had transfusion #24 today.
For some reason my blog has been making crazy spaces lately. Who knows what is up with that?!?



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