Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 52 - Go, Little Buddy, Go!

Snuggling with Mommy!!!!

Holding my Sweet Potato

Snoozing with Mommy

Bright-eyed and Bushy tailed

Angry Baby Face

Getting SKINNY!

4 lbs- Down 3 whole ounces from yesterday!! He still has approximately one and a half pounds of swelling left.
Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings are at 18 breaths per minute. Hello, 18! What a nice low number this is! They plan on his ventilator settings to go down even more over night. Eagan is now breathing over 20 breaths a minute on his own! His oxygen rate has been around 25%. The pressure that the ventilator puts in his lungs is at 24. Also, he still has a bit fluid in his lungs so he is getting Atrovent breathing treatments every six hours.
Eagan's blood pressure was perfect today!
Vein and Artery Access
Eagan has an internal jugular line that was placed in surgery.

The arterial line is in his head.
An antibiotic, Ancef, is given once a day.
Hydrocortisone, for blood pressure and stress response, is up to 3 mg.
His Morphine was previously given every two hours but now his is on the same dose, but as a constant drip.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

Lasix, a diuretic, will be given every twelve hours.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

Eagan also is back on the Synthroid for low thyroid.  
Eagan's only sources of nutrition right now are his TPN fluids.

His lipids are being given 3 days a week now.
Lots of pee and a little poop today. He is also starting to leak less fluid from his incisions.

Eagan was given Albumen twice today to draw fluid into his veins from the rest of his body.

May 29 - Transfusion #24 
Upcoming Tests
Upper GI study on Monday to determine if the duodenum tear is closed and if feedings can be started. Eagan has not had any milk about a month. I am sure he will appreciate a full belly!
Another eye exam to check on the severity of his retinopathy of prematurity will be in a bit less than two weeks. 


Baby Hopes said...

Such amazing pictures!!! I'm so glad you had some time to cuddle together and that he is continuing to improve. What a handsome little man and a strong little fighter!!!

Momma T said...

Yay!!! So happy you got to wrap your arms around the little man! He looks WONDERFUL and just looking at those pics brought tears to my eyes! Keep at it, Mr. Eagan! :)

Jen said...

I'm happy continues to fight & we can see more of that precious face.

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