Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 77 - Pep Talk Worked!

Walking by faith, not by sight

Eagan has made so much progress today. Apparently my pep talk worked! He is down on the ventilator, requiring much less Morphine and completely weaned off the Hydrocortisone. Unfortunately, the cultures of the secretions from his lungs grew a bacteria. This means there is an infection, but it was caught early and an antibiotic has been added for this. Along with the antibiotic, he was given an infusion of gamma globulin. This will temporarily boost his immune system and provide him with extra protein. He had an arterial line in his leg for less than 24 hours but it stopped working today and was removed. Now his blood gases are drawn by heel sticks. Fortunately, he really doesn't mind these and frequently sleeps through them.
4 lb 7.6 oz

Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings are down to 34 breaths per minute. His oxygen rate is around 23%. The pressure that the ventilator puts in his lungs is at 21. Also, he has fluid in his lungs so he is getting Atrovent breathing treatments every six hours.

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a femoral line in his upper thigh.


Fortaz, an antibiotic that stops the growth of bacteria has been added.

An antibiotic, Oxicillin is being given every six hours.

Eagan has completely weaned off Hydrocortisone, for blood pressure and stress response!!

He is now only on Morphine every 6 hours as needed. Right now he is only getting it about once a day!!!

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

He is also on Zantac to help calm his tummy's acid levels.

Lasix, a diuretic, will be given every 4 hours along with Albumen, a protein that makes up the majority of our blood.

He is back on Synthroid for low thyroid.


 Feedings have been stopped. He is getting TPN, D15 clear fluid with potassium, and lipids.

June 23 - Transfusion #29

Upcoming Tests

Another eye exam to check on the severity of his retinopathy of prematurity will be Thursday.

Cranial ultrasound at 36 weeks gestation.


Marci said...

From my vantage point (on the other side of a computer screen), Eagan is looking good! Continued prayers momma!

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