Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 79 - ROP

  Yes!! I finally got to hold the boy today! His isolette was making lots of awful racket so they needed to get him a new one. They needed somewhere to put the baby while they changed beds, so my arms for over an hour was the perfect spot. The new bed didn't work properly either so this evening, I gave him a sponge bath while the beds were changed. 
In other news, he had his eye exam today. We were all pretty terrified since he tried to die during his last one. This time, he tolerated the exam beautifully. The bad news is, his eyes have gotten significantly worse in just two weeks. He now has aggressive posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity or ROP and plus disease. In English, this is bad. He needs immediate treatment. He may require Avastin injections in his eyes or extensive laser surgery. If he just gets the Avastin treatment, he will more than likely need surgery a few months later. This is pretty much something we expected, just not this bad this fast. I will be at the hospital at the crack of dawn tomorrow to meet with the retina specialist.
3 lb 14 oz

Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings are down to 26 breaths per minute. His oxygen rate is around 21%. The pressure that the ventilator puts in his lungs is at 21. Also, he has fluid in his lungs so he is getting Atrovent breathing treatments every six hours.

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a femoral line in his upper thigh.


Fortaz, an antibiotic that stops the growth of bacteria has been added.

An antibiotic, Oxicillin is being given every six hours. 

He is now only on Morphine every 6 hours as needed. Right now he is only getting it about once a day.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

He is also on Zantac to help calm his tummy's acid levels.

Lasix, a diuretic, will be given every 4 hours along with Albumen, a protein that makes up the majority of our blood.

He is back on Synthroid for low thyroid.


  Eagan is getting 3 cc's of breast milk continuously every hour. The output into his ostomy bag is being put through a tube into the other side of his intestines, called re-feeding. He is getting TPN and lipids.

June 23 - Transfusion #29

Upcoming Tests

Cranial ultrasound at 36 weeks gestation.


livehappy said...

Congrats on getting to hold your little guy!

Denise Skelton said...

Yay for getting to hold him! As awful as the eye exams are, at least you get to see if something needs to be done to help him. Praying for y'all everyday!

Momma T said...

Yay!!!! Just seeing that first pic of him in your arms totally made my day! :) Hope it was a wonderful snuggle! Continuing prayers and hoping for the best for his little eyes.

Anonymous said...

Yay for snuggle time! My husband and I pray for you and Eagan daily. We just had our girl at 34 weeks, but have been following your story since Eagan was about a week old. Thanks to you, we knew a lot of what to expect, knew how important the little things are, and could see how blessed we are for the wonderful staff and the kindness of others. I think God led us to your blog to help prepare my husband and I for this. You and Eagan are an inspiration

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