Friday, July 20, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 101 - He eats...again!

  Eagan gets to eat again, well, until he can't eat anymore for surgery. Speaking of surgery, it has been moved to Sunday, or so they say. Surgery scheduling for a NICU baby is always up in the air. The doctors know the patient isn't going anywhere and they get pushed back by emergencies. I am okay with this, but it is hard to plan around. Eagan is being kept pretty sedated to that he will leave his breathing tube alone. I am sure he won't have it much longer after this surgery. His drain still looks good, or as good as a rubber drain sticking out a baby's back can. Basically, we are waiting, lots and lots of waiting.

My family and I also celebrated Evelyn's second birthday a little late today. I took the kids to Monkey Joe's and Fernbank. We had a blast. Hard to believe just two short years ago this little spunky girl was smaller than Eagan is now! She is going to make a great big sister to little Eagan! They have not actually met yet, but she loves looking at his pictures. Happy Birthday Princess!

4 lb 11.1 oz

Eagan is at 23 breaths per minute on the ventilator at a tidal volume of 10.0

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a sub-clavian line on the left side as of Day 91.


He is back on Morphine every 6 hours as needed.

He was started on Ampicillin every 6 hours and Gentamicin every 8 hours for sepsis.

Fortaz, another antibiotic, has been added.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

He is also on Zantac to help calm his tummy's acid levels.

Lasix, a diuretic, will be given every 12 hours.

He is back on Synthroid for low thyroid.
Eagan is on a low, stress dose of Hydrocortisone of 0.45 mg every 6 hours.


Feeds are at 1 cc an hour continuously.  He is getting TPN and lipids.

July 13 - Transfusion #33

Upcoming Tests
Eagan will have another eye exam next week.


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