Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 88 - Speed Bump

Thank you Jessica for my adorable outfit!

  Even though we had lots of mommy snuggles today, Eagan is having a bit of a speed-bump in his progress. His CRP levels are at 27. Normal is below 1. This is a sign of infection or other similar issues. His heart rate is very elevated and he is dropping his oxygen and heart rate below normal range. Blood cultures, urine cultures, and a urinalysis have been sent off. We should no more tomorrow, but the doctors are pretty sure he is septic again.
3 lb 15 oz
Eagan is on a high-flow nasal cannula at 3 liters per minute on 30% oxygen.

Vein and Artery Access 
Eagan has a femoral line in his upper thigh.

He was started on Vancomycin and Gentamicin for suspected sepsis.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

He is also on Diflucan as a preventative measure.

He is also on Zantac to help calm his tummy's acid levels.

Lasix, a diuretic, will be given every 24 hours.

He is back on Synthroid for low thyroid.


  Eagan is getting 8 cc's of breast milk continuously every hour. My milk is being fortified with a product called Human Milk Fortifier to increase the calories. The output into his ostomy bag is being put through a tube into the other side of his intestines, called re-feeding. Everything he puts out into his ostomy is re-fed into the mucous fistula.  He is getting TPN and lipids.

June 23 - Transfusion #29
Upcoming Tests
Eye exam  Monday.


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