Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Eagan - NICU Day 42- Progress!

Eagan has made so much progress today! Please pray we are making the turn for the best right now! This little boy has been through so much and we both really need some more great days (and to get to have snuggle time again).

Here is a run-down of his current status:

Eagan was not weighed today or last night.
14" at last measurement

Eagan is on the conventional ventilator. His settings are now 22 breaths per minute.  His oxygen rate is 26%-36%. The pressure that the ventilator puts in his lungs is still at 26.
Eagan's blood pressure was awesome today! He was even a bit high at some points!
Vein and Artery Access
Eagan had an interjugular line placed in surgery.

The arterial line is in his head.
A CVL, central venous line, was placed during surgery on the left side.


Hydrocortisone, for blood pressure and stress response, was increased again today.

His Dopamine has been completely stopped!
Eagan is on Vancomycin and Meropenum - both antibiotics.

Synthroid for low thyroid levels was stopped today. Originally we were told he would need this until he is three but now he has normal thyroid levels!

His Morphine was previously given every two hours but now his is on the same dose, but as a constant drip.

Caffeine has been started as a diuretic to try to speed up his kidney function.

Lasix, a diuretic, has been added to try to get the fluid out of his little body.

Albumen, the main protein that is in our blood, was also given today to try to stop his veins from leaking.

Eagan's only sources of nutrition right now are his TPN fluids and lipids.
Eagan has a foley catheter in place. His urine output was amazing today! He has also had several "poopy diapers" from his ostomy.

May 20 - Transfusion #21


Bandora said...

Glad to read that he's doing better, I've been keeping up with your blog and praying for Eagan, you and your family.

A July 2012 mama.

Sarah said...

Thank you so much! It means so very much to our family!

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